Brokerage Services
Brokerage accounts offer individuals the flexibility to own and trade a vast array of securities including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs and alternatives investments. The recent growth of online trading technology has made brokerage accounts and securities trading more accessible to the individual investor than ever before. But just because the average investor can now easily conduct their own trades online doesn't necessarily mean they should. Our financial professionals use their 30+ years of expertise to determine when and how brokerage accounts and individual securities ownership can provide the best potential results.
Education Planning
You've likely heard of the inflation rate, but have you heard of the college inflation rate? College inflation refers to the annual rate of increase in college costs. It has historically outpaced the general inflation rate and the average wage increase over the past 20 years. This is why it is so important for families to build a strategy to address how they will pay for education. Luckily there are several programs and tax-advantaged accounts designed to help. Let us help you find the right one.
Financial Planning
Many people confuse financial planning with general saving and investing advice. While understanding how to save, and where and when to invest those savings, is important, Financial Planning goes far beyond the realm of just saving and investing. A comprehensive financial plan is essential for anyone who wishes to accomplish specific financial objectives. Whether your goal is to own your own home, to make sure your children’s education is well funded, or to ensure a smooth and stress-free retirement; all of these seemingly disparate goals can be addressed in a unified financial plan. We can help you devise and monitor a comprehensive financial plan designed to incorporate key aspects such as Saving, Budgeting, Investing, Tax planning, Insurance planning, Retirement planning, Estate planning, and much more.
Insurance and Annuities
If there’s one thing certain in life – it’s the uncertainty that living it brings. Good planning can help to overcome that uncertainty, but we all know even the best laid plans can fail. Without proper insurance planning, many other facets of a well-devised financial plan could be exposed to unforeseen risks. There are a multitude of insurance products designed to provide money to your loved ones in the event of your death, guaranteed income in the event you live a long life, and everything in between. We will work with you to review your insurance needs within the broader scope of your financial picture and select the solutions that best suit your situation.
Investment Management
If your financial plan is your map to your financial destination, you can think of your investments as the vehicle that gets you from your starting point to the end of your journey. When it comes to traveling, you have options; planes, trains and various automobiles. And while most options will get you to your destination, the path you take and the time it takes to get there will vary depending on your choices. Your investment selections are no different. Would you choose to drive a Ferrari cross country or would you rather pack up the family Wagoneer? With endless options available in the market today, we will help you select investment vehicles that match your unique goals and values to help ensure your financial journey doesn't leave you broken down and stranded on the side of the road.
Retirement Planning
Over the past 30 years, we've seen a major shift in the way employers help employees save for retirement. The majority of employer pensions have been replaced by defined contribution plans (like 401(k) plans) shifting the responsibility for accumulating retirement savings from the employer to the employee. As individuals become ever-more responsible for funding their own retirement, and life-expectancies continue to lengthen, the biggest mistake you can make in planning for retirement is waiting until retirement to begin. To make matters even more complex, your retirement planning journey doesn't simply end once you've saved enough money. You need a strategic method for withdrawing and investing your retirement savings to maximize your income and protect the money you've worked hard to accumulate. We will work with you to build a blueprint for funding the retirement you dream about, long before you get there. And when you're nearing the finish line, we'll help you devise an income strategy to ensure the wealth you've built is well protected throughout your lifetime.
Solutions for Businesses & Business Owners
Just as individuals can benefit from working with a trusted financial advisor, businesses and their owners should leverage the knowledge and expertise of a financial professional to help develop and select strategies designed to grow and support their business. When you're looking to retain and attract talent by complementing your employee compensation with a competitive retirement plan, you can depend on us to help you research, select, and administer a robust program.