Whether we're helping you establish a long term financial plan or exploring ways to achieve a short-term goal, we'll guide you through a process to determine how we can help. Regardless of your objectives, the following steps outline how we interact with clients to support their needs.


This initial meeting is your opportunity to see if we are a good fit to serve your needs. We'll use this time to understand your personal and financial circumstances and to explain what we do and how we do it. We do not charge potential clients for introductory meetings and there is no commitment on your end to work with us. In-person introductory meetings are preferred, however, meetings can be held over the phone or using virtual meeting software.
You can schedule your free, introductory meeting right now by clicking the button below.


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If you've decided we're the right fit for you, we'll begin the next phase of our process by diving deeper into your personal and financial situation. In order to provide you with best interest recommendations and comprehensive planning, we'll need to work cooperatively to piece together a detailed understanding of your financial situation. We'll ask you to provide us with financial account statements, estate planning documents, and other relevant information as we begin to bring your current financial picture into focus.  We'll also help you to define realistic financial goals and help you determine how to prioritize these goals. The exploration phase may need to extend beyond a single meeting based on the complexity of your situation.


By this point in the process, we've had an initial meeting and we've spent time delving deeper into your financial situation. We should now have enough information to provide you with prudent financial planning or advice. Using the information we've gathered, we will build a unique strategy for achieving the objectives we identified in our earlier meetings. The depth of our engagement and recommendations are completely dependent on your ability and willingness to provide us with the information necessary to develop plans and recommendations. Long-term, wholistic planning will benefit most from the development of a comprehensive financial plan and will address areas such as  retirement savings, education planning, tax treatment,  investment options, risk management, insurance, and estate planning. Short-term goals or specific services may not require development of a comprehensive financial plan. In these circumstances, recommendations will be provided based only on the limited information provided, assuming the limited information is adequate to make a recommendation. We will not implement any recommendations, strategies or proposals until they have been fully reviewed and approved by you, the client.


The implementation phase is where the rubber hits the road. Following your review and approval of our proposed plans, we go to work executing the behind-the-scenes tasks necessary to make your plans a reality. We will manage the process of collecting, completing and submitting all of the documentation necessary to achieve your strategy. Some aspects of a comprehensive financial plan may require the expertise of an outside professional, such as an estate planning attorney or accountant. In these circumstance, we can either recommend someone from our network of professionals or we will work cooperatively with a outside professional of your choice.


Our industry may be built on financial transactions, but our commitment to you is anything but transactional. Our dedication to our clients only intensifies once we've implemented your strategy. We will continue to be your single source for service of the accounts and programs we've implemented to achieve your plans for as long as you hold them. If we've developed and implemented a comprehensive financial plan, you can expect communication on a quarterly basis to ensure your plan is updated and that your we're tracking your plan progress. All of our clients can expect at least an annual review meeting regardless of the amount of business we do with them.